Tuesday, November 04, 2008


The political realignment begins tonight.

My prediction for tonight: Obama wins the Kerry states plus: Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Missouri and Ohio (though Missouri and Ohio will be very close).

Obama's victories in Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina will occur because of his campaign's ground game and, in Florida and North Carolina, early voting. His victory in Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Virginia will occur because his campaign capitalized on the changing demographics though his campaign will move them from toss-up to solid blue quicker than they should have been. Missouri and Ohio are just toss ups and they will be for years.

McCain wins Georgia, Indiana, North Dakota, Montana, and Arizona.

Chuck Todd and Pat Buchanan just stated that the next swing state, in four years, will be Texas.

Republicans face being a regional party in some southern states and in some western states. They deserve this.

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