A snippet we've been waiting for, though it's too watered-down, and we wish it was coming from the Senator herself:
Mrs. Clinton’s friends said she was galled that Ms. Palin might try to capitalize on a movement that Mrs. Clinton, of New York, built among women in the primaries [. . .] Guy Cecil, the former political director of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, said it was “insulting” for Republicans to compare Ms. Palin to Mrs. Clinton.
Meanwhile, from the "no shit" category, although again, we'd rather here it from Obama himself in front of cameras:
Mr. Obama’s advisers sharply disputed the argument that Clinton supporters might be drawn to Ms. Palin on the basis of sex, given that Ms. Palin opposes abortion rights and other commonly held positions for Democrats.
And then from the "depressing as it gets, if this is true" category:
But Clinton advisers presented a more nuanced view, saying that some of her supporters — they could not specify how many — could be open to the McCain-Palin ticket depending on how Ms. Palin performed and whether she appeared to be a forceful, sincere advocate for the concerns of working women, their families and for policies that would help them.
Here's the Real "Money Line" from the article:
“It is insulting to compare Hillary’s lifetime of service and her commitment to progressive causes with that of a novice, right-wing governor,” Mr. Cecil said.
Perhaps the Palin selection will give some people pause before they assert so assuredly from now on, that "the personal is political." The conviction behind this statement is often attributed to the more theory-leaning academics, but it has arguably infected the popular culture as well.
Certainly, the Republicans are banking on the likelihood that it has.
After reading this post, as well as your post on abortion, the most important distinctions in these arguments concern class.
If Roe and Casey are overturned, the debate will go from state to state. Those that will suffer in "Red States" will be the poor, who will have no access to choice and no heath care. Since life begins at conception and is forgotten at birth, the Republicans will rejoice in a moral victory that hinders the people who don't vote for him.
For the Clinton voters, the personal arguments hide class arguments. At Talk Left I read nothing but the importance of Clinton because of health care. Yet, now that Clinton is not the nominee, the talk of health care from these supporters is long gone only ODS. The reasoning is let Obama lose so they will vote for their personal savior in 2012.
Of course, in the meantime, those without Health Care (fill in you issue that Obama and McCain differ) continue to suffer. But the middle class Hillary voter that won't support Obama may not need these issues, allowing them to vote for the personal.
And so it goes....
But. And Harrogate knows you dislike Hill and may likely disagree with this.
But. Harrogate does not allow himself to believe that the mentality you describe is something Hill herself subscribes to. If Obama loses, will she run in 2012? Of course. But, this strain going around, that secretly she doesn't want him to win. With all that is at stake. Harrogate doesn't buy it.
As to whether or not Hillary desires Obama to lose for her run in 2012 is a troublesome "predominant motives" test that is impossible to discern unless she is blunt. She may campaign her heart out for him and still hopes he loses; she may never raise a finger for him and hopes she wins. I am trying to stay out of psycho-analyzing her at this point because the primary is over.
My previous comment is for the Clinton supporters and not Clinton herself. It is those people who I am most perplexed at, especially when their motives are quite clearly personal fulfillment at electing the candidate of their choice rather than the issues they care about.
As for the particular supporters you speak of, "Perplexed" doesn't begin to cover it for Harrogate.
"Pissed off" is even too mild.
Unbelievably, there appears a core of them that are indeed defending McCain, and circling wagons around Palin. They can not, will not let the primary go.
And so, opinions differ about what it all means. Harrogate always thought that the selection of Clarence Thomas was a move that rubbed liberals' "the personal is political" mantra in their face.
Palin is no different in this regard. She and McCain would not be human if they both aren't supremely amused at the prospect of her selection really driving a wedge among progressive-leaning women.
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