Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Quick Recap of the Republican Convention:

This is a sad convention. It is a mix of we hate democrats and USA! USA! I think Homer Simpson wrote each speech and the themes of the convention.

Here are the most important topics in case you decided to do something better with your time.


Islamic Terrorism is Bad.

G-D. G-D. G-D. G-D. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

Barack Obama is Bad.

Sarah Palin is a saint. (Look at this shiny trinket.) She is the future!

John McCain was a POW.

Drill here, drill now.

John McCain is going to personally defeat all terrorism on the face of the Earth. He will crush it against the Gates of Hell.

Taxes are bad. Prosperity is good.

Country first, (just ask all are CEOs who are speaking tonight).

Because of John McCain's virtuous character, the American people will become better just because John McCain will be president.

Unmentioned tonight:
George W. Bush. Abortion. Same-sex marriage. Any substantive issue.

Well, the speech of the century is about to begin.


harrogate said...

More thoughts.

"Community organizer" is a default laugh line. It has no merit whatsoever. Hannity is happy.

She has charisma, and on an Artistic level is a better speaker than McCain and arguably better than Biden too.

She laid out her "experience" case. This theme is dumb though. Harrogate thought it was dumb in terms of Hillary when he was supporting her. BTD has been right about that one all along. Vision and Judgment and Ethos are trumping experience this time. And that's good.

SHE didn't mention abortion either, solon.

To loosely quote Patton Oswald from Ratatouille, "you could fill a book with the things she didn't mention, you could fill a lot of books--and they have, which is why I read." No social issues a'tall, no foreign policy issues except, there's dangerous people and we have a candidate who's rarin' to fight.

She did rally the cry of drill, drill, drill. Harrogate supposes that's addressing an issue.

A McCain operative said today this election is not about issues. This has actually been something Harrogate has feared all along. Well, if McCain wins those fears will certainly be realized, won't they?


solon said...

Oh they mentioned abortion... here is my family...

I wonder why she did not mention her attempts at banning library books as important experience.

harrogate said...

Good question..somehow Harrogate gets the sense that the only way Palin's library book ban in going to come out is if Biden packages it for a zinger during the debate.
If Biden zings her with it, Media Heads will be forced to explain what in blazes he was talking about.

An even question, too, whether or not Palin's hyper-draconian views on abortion and stem cell research are ever going to emerge into the level of Narrative that Obama's "Born Alive" tango reached.

Speaking of Obama, tomorrow night, Obama goes on O'Reilly right around the time of McCain's speech.....He'll make sure every viewer hears Bush's name lots and lots of times. McCain and Palin aren't change. They're more of the same.