Friday, September 05, 2008

The Assy McGee Award®

Sorry Harrogate, this ups your post on Michelle "Internment for Everyone" Malkin.

In an online conversation between David Lat, a former federal prosecutor and Hillary supporter, and Marc Ambinder, a writer and blogger at Atlantic, Lat discusses his transition from Hillary to Palin because, "A Star is born;" "Behind those librarian glasses" she is "playing a role beautifully;" it is time to have a a female president or VP.

Who cares about issues because, with Palin, it is "like being in love -- reason flies out the window! You just have a visceral reaction to someone, and you're off to the races."


harrogate said...


It just proves that if Obama has been right about anything this entire election, he is right to insist that this election is not about him.

It IS about us, although probably not in the way he means it. It will say volumes about the state of our country if the electoate rewards the GOP after all that has happened, rewards them for presenting us with THIS ticket.

You know what? In the event of an Obama loss, Harrogate will be MORE comforted by the thought that race factored decisively, than by the thought that the nation had responded positively to what John S. McCain represents.

M said...

Well, I agree, it is time that a woman was elected president, but then again, I also think it is fairly pathetic that it took until 2008 for us to put an African American on the ticket. Ditto for the dirth of Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Latino Americans in political office.

That said, I also think it is ridiculous to think that Palin is a replacement for Clinton. I mean, could you wake up for just a minute and notice that none, not a single one of their polices agree? Oh, wait, their both working mothers, but aside from that, nothing. How can you plan to vote for McCain/Palin if you supported Clinton? Makes absolutely no sense to me.

The Roof Almighty said...

I'd honestly just be happy with a candidate (male and/or female) with facial hair. I've been waiting since Dewey in '44 for a nice set of 'stachios, let alone a Shuyler Coleax-style nipple-abrasive neck-beard.

You know, it now occurs to me that there is no way that this won't be a groundbreaking election. Do you know the last time the stereotypical national expectation of a full-head of hair has been flaunted this severely? (see below for the Secret Answer)

In fact, my research suggests that we may be lucky enough to bear witness to the first comb-over bearing Whoshefoolin-American President.

The glass ceiling he faces is especially tragic because it provides an unflattering angle to his coiffure.

Plus, he's currently a POW, I hear.

Secret Answer: Rewohnesie

solon said...

Whether or not it is time for a woman president or VP, it still comes back to the irony...moving from Hillary Clinton to the speaker of tongues is just a bit too much for rational politics.

But who needs rational politics.