Monday, September 01, 2008

Police State 101: Amy Goodman at the RNC

From Talk Left: Police Arrested Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now, at the RNC. She was charged with "conspiracy to riot."

There is video of the footage.

This is what democracy looks like.


harrogate said...

Just disgusting.

And ironically, precisely the kind of behavior that many commenters on TL, with whom Harrogate has been battling all day, are willing to let pass, so as to satosfy their little vendettas.

The level of Palin defending that is going on over there beats all Harrogate has ever seen on that site. He loves Keralyn and TChris and to e lesser extent, BTD, but he will need another good long break from TalkLeft, after today.

solon said...

The site is imploding again this morning. BTD took a "vacation" because of the culture of the election as if in someway responsibility...

That site allowed the culture of corruption all through the primaries. This is just the consequence. Some comments this morning suggest that it is an outrage to treat Palin in this way though some attacked Obama and his supporters with just as much vitriol, or, defend Clinton with just as much.

harrogate said...

It's just sickening. Harrogate went to war with these people yesterday, and he challenged BTD on his BS again today. To no avail.

Sarah Palin is a womman and therefore attacking her politics is therefore not to be distinguished from personal attacks.

Despicable. McCain ramps up the culture wars to the level of a scream and gets rewarded for it. Obama's cry of "Enough" has been drowned out. We're going to get more of the same. But at least this time, as the bombs fall and the judges don their robes, the Veep (or will she wind up President?) will have ovaries.

solon said...

My favorite part of the conversation this morning has been I thought "progressives are different" line of argument attached with the "where is the civility" line of argument.

I can understand the frustration by some of the people who post there. For months it was identified as one of the Hillary sites. Those who did not support her and posted there faced heavy criticism. There was no civility then if you did not support Hillary. The rules for those who supported her were different for those that did not.

Now, the culture of corruption is, unfortunately, complete.