Friday, August 29, 2008

Today's Assy McGee Award®: Sean Hannity in a Walk

First off, let Harrogate Preface this by saying there were many fine contenders today. Including any Hillary Clinton "supporter" who is out there pimping for McCain, and definitely including the entire blogroll, which has been creaming all over itself over McCain's vacuous and overtly desperate Veep pick all day.

And so at first, Harrogate thought he'd just not give the award to anybody. But Harrogate and Supadiscomama turned on "Hannity and Colmes", and in the first five minutes Sean Hannity referenced five times the fact that Palin gave birth to a child she knew in advance had Down Syndrome. It was not a personal decision for Palin herself, you see, but an act of Political and Doctrinal vindication.

Yes. Hannity hailed this as a celebration of Palin's anti-abortion creds. That Palin will apparently put up with and even encourage this kind of framing all season (will she even do it herself?) says enough about her character.

Perhaps we will be hearing about this all season long. Nothing is too low, nothing is off limits for the GOP which has done so much damage in such a short period of history. Doctrinalization of every aspect of Life. This is What Sean Hannity and the GOP stand for.

Oh, Fuck It. There are no words. Just the Award.


solon said...

I think my Assy McGee award kicks your Assy McGee award in the Assy McGee!!!

Take that.

harrogate said...

What we should do is, Each Board Member should Give an Assy McGee Award, Each Day. That's a lot of possibilities right there.

And, it would be fun.