Monday, August 25, 2008

DNC Protestors Versus Fox News

Already the DNC Protestors are out in force. Here's a confrontation they have already had with a FOX camerman/anchor/whatever. Apparently they didn't get Harrogate's Memo that the diff between FOX and the other cable media is no more profound than the diff between green M&Ms and other M&Ms....

For the first thirty seconds or so it is a bit hard to watch, as the suggestion of crowd violence is palpable. Nice job by whoever uploaded this video by the way. The Carlin-esque chant is in mid form, from the beginning.

And the guy at the end is priceless. Yea, Harrogate wants to go to Denver and buy this guy a drink. Check out his deadpan delivery of: "Some people say FOX is a corporate whore."

Somebody asks him, "some people say what?"

"FOX," he repeats, "is a corporate whore."

Well, there's no arguing with that, regardless of your individual position. Some people do, indeed, say that FOX is a corporate whore.

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