Friday, August 29, 2008

A Consideration of the Palin Pick

After thinking about the pick on the walk home, here are a few thoughts:

First, from McCain's perspective, it is a smart pick. It energizes the base (Christian Right, NRA, Pro-Life [Feminists for Life]; it reinforces the Maverick image, and it looks to keep the lower-middle class vote. It excludes Lieberman, Romney, and Ridge, as the Christian Right desires. It also saves Huckabee for 2012.

Second, it changed the narrative of the day though it did not change the terms of the fall campaign. Obama defined the campaign Thursday. There has been no rejection of those definitions. In fact, with the Palin pick,we are still discussing McCain's judgment.

Third, this may empower competing groups of women as an electorate. Thinking about women as a voting bloc is a mistake. I am sure that many social conservative women are thrilled with the pick as she "speaks for them," those who are forgotten in the culture wars.

Fourth, she reminds people of Tina Fey.

Fifth, McCain is attempting to appropriate the "change" argument. We know that the premise of the election is "change." The question McCain presents is how much change can you tolerate? Race will be the subtext to the question of change.

Sixth, the debate will go straight down hill. Even below the point at which we stand. Since the inexperience topos is effectively off the table, we have only Obama is "different." Obama's "otherness" is too much, ours is just right. As Time shows, McCain no longer has any honor left because of this election. I do not know if Palin has any, especially when she asks the American people to support her because she has ovaries...i mean to break the glass ceiling.

Seventh, this is an attempt for Ohio and Pennsylvania, but mainly Ohio. This is a completely defensive, and political, selection for John McCain. I repeat, he has no political honor.

A few things I cannot understand: Palin admitted she knows "nothing about Iraq." She has not thought about it with any depth.

The know nothing about one another as they only met once. This is a terrible sign of judgment.

McCain does not believe think highly of the American electorate. His arrogance is overwhelming at this point.

Finally. she opposes polar bears!!! (I wonder what her stance is on global warming?)

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