Thursday, November 13, 2008

The (Post Election) Sarah Palin Chronicles

Though Palin hates the media, she continues to make the rounds to save her public image, speaking in code to secure the vote of the Republican base-- the Religious Right. When asked about her political future on Larry King Live last night, Palin responded:
KING: We're almost out of time. So quickly, do you pledge to the people that you will serve out your term?

PALIN: I pledge to the people of Alaska, I will do anything and everything that I can to progress the great state of Alaska. I will do what the people of Alaska want me to do.

Larry, if they call an audible on me, and if they say they want me in another position, I'm going to do it. I'm not going to -- especially here, today -- tell you, tell anybody, what some crystal ball is going to show me because we don't know what that crystal ball has within it.

And there again, there again, my hands -- my life is in God's hands. If he's got doors open for me, that I believe are in our state's best interest, the nation's best interest, I'm going to go through those doors

Well, G-d directs state and national interests. How Blasphemous!!!

But what gets me is the loss of human agency and responsibility. There is no need for democratic accountability for it is G-d's words that guide the actions of the state. What if the demands of the people of the people and G-d conflict? Who demands should Palin follow?


Oxymoron said...

I love the juxtaposition of G-d and crystal balls, of Christianity and wizardry.

It makes me think of a crazy Christian woman that I saw on a documentary who was saying that Harry Potter books were anti-Christian because they celebrated witchcraft and the work of the devil.

solon said...

I think I heard that same lady.... When driving through Alabama (insert joke here) at the time the last book was to be released in 2007, I heard a woman argue that Potter should be banned because of witchcraft. I think her concern was twofold: that Harry Potter would lead kids away from religion and that kids would try to practice "magic." In typical fashion, the woman arguing against Potter desired to ban the books for everyone because she knew better than anyone else.

Of course, my step-father, who was in the car with me, agreed with her on some of her claims because witches were bad, i.e. evil. Wizards were okay because they were "good" though I bet they are probably not desirable because they do practice magic.

I can only think of the movie Four Rooms:
Ted: "I was f-cked by a coven of Witches."
Betty: "What's the problem Ted?"