Monday, September 08, 2008


Thank you, Judith Warner.


harrogate said...

Harrogate didn't think he could possibly get any madder at people ostensibly of his own political bent, as he was this Spring with the spectacle of the Primary.

But really, this has done it. Politically and from a Human Rights Perspective, this looks like we're on the verge of something real, real nasty. For reasonable people, it is time to send any money we can possibly spare to Obama.

Artistically, though, this is justice. It really, really does suggest the existence of God more powerfully than any political campaign Harrogate can remember. And God apparently has a far better sense of humor than anyone gave God credit for.

Is time that we go and confess our sins to someone authorized to absolve us. Or something like that.

Harrogate is seriously.

M said...

"But shouldn’t a woman who is prepared to be commander in chief be intimidating? Because of the intelligence, experience, talent and drive that got her there? If she isn’t, at least on some level, off-putting, if her presence inspires national commentary on breast-pumping and babysitting rather than health care reform and social security, then something is seriously wrong. If she doesn’t elicit at least some degree of awe, then something is missing."

This statement is exactly why I have always liked women such as Gloria Steinem, Patrica Hill Collins, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. I want to be inspired by my leaders (men and women alike) not flabbergasted.