Saturday, September 13, 2008

Roe Roe Roe Your Boat

Again, it is important that Americans not allow Abortion Rights to be a sleeper issue in this election. This election is likely the Climax, so far as Roe v Wade is concerned. This is what the Palin pick was about. McCain sent his signal loud and clear that Abortion Rights would be kneecapped under his administration.

If this is what Americans are ready to do, then that is one thing. Harrogate will still be horrified at it, as he hates the idea of civil liberties being put to a vote in individual states. He thought that was what the Bill of Rights was for.

But then again, not everyone sees Abortion as a civil liberties or as a womens' rights issue. Some see it as a murder issue.

And so back to the point. If Americans are ready to see Roe overturned, and to see this issue thrown to the States. We are talking State-By-State Warfare here. Violence highly likely. But if the country is ready for it, then that is one thing.

But if the Plurality is not ready for it. If instead the Plurality is Pro-Choice, but not single-issue zealots in the ballot box. Then we have a real Breakdown in our System coming.

See Pat Buchanan's recent article. This sums it up. Ole Pat wants Roe overturned and all Abortion criminalized. Despite, or perhaps even because of this bias, his description of what this election means for Abortion Rights, is clear and true.

A final word on this. Oh the irony, Sarah Palin is attracting Independent Women voters in droves, according to every poll out there. And most of the Women polled in those Polls, say they are Pro-Choice but do not care, because they just admire Sarah Palin so damned much. And so. A charming woman, Palin. Pretty, and indeed "likeable enough," as the saying goes. In other words the Perfect Weapon against womens' rights.

Someone explain to Harrogate again how Sarah Palin is not the most Just Punishment Imaginable, for Liberal America and It's Fetish for Identity Politics.

God exists, has a twisted sense of humor, and sometimes pays attention to American politics. Sarah Palin and her impact on this election proves it.


The Roof Almighty said...

Here's why she isn't "Just Punishment."

"Just Punishment" doesn't take the form of an empty, cynical lie. Just Punishment, one would imagine, is "just"

"Just Punishment" for our liberal sins would be Obama celebrating his inauguration by reclining nude on a throne of white women and fucking the flag while bin Lauden feeds him fancy greens.

"Just Punishment" is what Britain got with Tony Blair-- what Spider Jerusalem found in "The Smiler" in Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan.

The phrase you are looking for isn't the "Just Punishment" of the Republican use of identity politics. It is the "crass co-option," the "shitting upon," the "ruining," and, one hopes "losing despite a short-sighted, craven over-reliance upon."

Just talking to relatives who swing far right of my politics has cemented my belief that many/most of those who like Palin like her because they were told they like her. She is a wire-mommy. They were told that this woman is what will vindicate their pre-made voting decision and, behold, it did.

One family member just declared that a)the Republicans need to win the election because they will stop the earmarks and, thus, not mine his own wallet and then immediately b)defended Palin's record because "a politician's job is to get as much money as possible for [s/his] home state, no matter what." And what she did, is thus, strong leadership.

Janus couldn't contain such radically opposed ideas, let alone the mortal mind.

This isn't identity politics, this is fanboyism. Instead of knowing why the Genesis Device can make a nebula into a planet (God did it!!!), however they can explain how the Republicans can save us from the liberal Bush years.

Unfortunately, there are the vaginal Trekkers who decided 2 years ago that they were backing Team Yoni, no matter who got drafted.

Maybe Palin is "Just Punishment" for their putting "hos before 'BoRs'" (The Bill of Rights)?

harrogate said...


It seems we may be working with differing models of justice. Harrogate does not buy the idea that with Palin, the Right co-opted or shat upon something valuable. What they did was, they took something that was alreayd illogical, and took it to its extreme illogical conclusion.

harrogate said...

Roof: alternatively, we can look at it this way.

Let us say that Hill had won the nomination and opted not to put Obama on her ticket.

Then let's say that McCain had chosen, hmmmm, how's about Michael Steele for his running mate.

Would Hill, as Obama certainly will, carry over 90% of the AA vote in that circumstance?

Policy and common sense point to one answer. Reality points to another.

And THAT is yet another illustration of why the Democratic Party (and, relatedly, the Academic Left) deserved Palin.

The Roof Almighty said...

The problem I see with your argument, Charlie, is that you seem to envision an electorate who has, in the recent past, Charlie, voted based on the rational arguments, the record, and the policies of the candidates. My relatives-- and many of my students-- would vote for a self-described Republican, Conservative, pro-family, patriotic ham sandwich, Charlie, before a Democratic Jesus Christ.

It has next-to-nothing to do with identity-- Palin's a huge dick-hole who lies like a child, Charlie, and anyone who is honestly paying attention can see this-- but that she is a good excuse for them to root for the team they've already bet money on.

Her vagina is an excuse. And one-- I must add-- that has not been well-vetted, either, Charlie.

It is important that she is a woman, but she is a poor example of one; she makes all women look worse by comparison.

Blaming her for subverting identity politics, Charlie, when the identity she represents is a shared delusion between her and the people, Charlie, who liked her, Charlie, before they knew she existed, Char, Charlie, lie.