Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thanks to Academama . . .

. . .for bringing this to my attention. She posted this on her blog, but I think it is so powerful that it should be posted in as many places as possible.


harrogate said...

"Congratulations, you have officially declared a culture war."

Harrogate only wishes the list of community organizers had scrolled more slowly.

AcadeMama said...

Glad to see this spreading. What I should've mentioned in my post is that she has another video - of equal caliber - available on youtube. The title: "Don't Lie to Me."

solon said...

Is this a good idea that it is spreading?

As Harrogate notes, it scrolls too fast to redefine the Culture War...

This does nothing to win the Culture War...

This is not a winning strategy as it perpetuates the US versus Them. Where is the common ground? That is what a community organizer would look for?

('s the economy....)

harrogate said...


If there is a chance for a common ground argument to be made, that argument really can only come from Obama at the debates and on the stump. He's done a good job in this regard, but he needs to really crank up the common ground rhetoric now, IHO.

Surrogates, OTOH, have other things to tend to, given The Rhetorial Situation.

Friday night Bill Maher showed the clip of Giuliani making his community organizer joke, and then the camera crawls across a sea of rich white Republicans guffawing at it. Maher asked Scott "I suck but not as bad as some people" McClellan how that spectacle played with Independents. "Doesn't it look like a bunch of rich white Republicans who have just fucked up the country and are now laughing at the people they screwed?" asked Maher. Well, it didn't play well, sheepishly admitted McClellan, who framed himself as Independent.

And so, whether or not the spreading of this Ad is a good thing, is a debatable point. If there is a good reason for spreading this Ad, it is that people need to be reminded of what they were really doing at the GOP Convention.

Still, would have been better if the names had scrolled slowly.

M said...

The video is good if only because it reminds people what didn't happen at the RNC: namely a consideration of the facts.