Like Angelina Jolie, Michelle Williams is feeling a bit overwhelmed these days. It seems that single motherhood and a busy work schedule are wearing on her, and she needs a break. So, Michelle, who "stopped feeling creative a while ago," plans to "take a year off"--she hope to develop a hobby, like embroidery, and to "daydream."
I wish that the press wouldn't bother us with stories like this. Yes, Michelle has had to deal with Heath Ledger's death and the responsibility of raising their daughter on her own. This is very sad. However, I don't want to hear about her plans to take a year-long vacation because the stress of work and raising her child are getting to her.
Most working mothers' idea of a break from their everyday responsibilities involves a bath or a movie or a night out with their girlfriends or their significant other. So, please spare me the complaints of the rich and famous and their plans to take a year or so off of working. We should all be so lucky.
your jealous rants are such a waste of online space. did your husband die and leave you raise a child by yourself?
Um, I thought we didn't allow anonymous comments.
And Ledger and Williams were not married. Further, I think Supa's point was that most working mothers neither make as much money as Williams nor do they have the luxury of taking a year off of work because they no longer feel creative in their jobs. She was simply saying that perhaps working mothers who are really struggling are those who should be recognized, not ones like Williams, who, frankly, does come across as a little vacuous with her declaration that she wants time to daydream.
That said, I do think those of us who read "celebrity news" (an oxymoron if there ever was one) ask for these sorts of stories. Until we stop reading these sites, and I include myself in this we, we'll continue to see stories like this one.
I thought anonymous comments would enhance the debate around here.
At the very least, it would allow the writers here a chance to sharpen their debate skills and find ways to respond to stupid comments that lack substance....
We shall see what transpires...
oh, and my point, anonymous, in correcting you about the status of Ledger and Williams' relationship was to point out that she would have been a single working mom even if Ledger had not died so suddenly.
Apparently this comment and the story prompting it have made me think more than I realized.
Why are celebrities, like Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie for example, applauded for not hiring nannies when ordinary parents, like those of us who post here regularly are not? Are my husband and I "super-parents" because we're raising our child without the help of a full-time, live-in nanny?
Oh, now, I was just going to ignore anonymous on this one.
The fact that Williams' decision to take a break is even a story is a "waste of online space," really. All such reporting is. But we read it, and, as Anonymous has demonstrated, we get invested in the lives of these celebrities.
And, really, my post was not so much an attack on Michelle Williams as it was a complaint about these "news stories" about the challenges that celebrities face in doing things that lots of people have to do: raise their children and balance work and family.
So, yes, Anonymous, my post is a bit of a jealous rant. I would love to be able to take a year off to find my creativity and devote time to myself and my family. But I can't. And neither can most people. So, a story about Michelle Williams (or any other celebrity) deciding she needs a break so she can daydream or find a hobby is always going to be annoying.
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