Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Obama and Humor

Harrogate doesn't often associate Obama with humor, although lately, the candidate seems to have actually lightened up in proportion to the upsetness and even early stages of panic, experienced by some of his supporters.

But no matter. This was, as they say, a good 'un: Metaphors 101

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

"We've had enough of the same old thing."



harrogate said...

Honestly. You can ask supadiscomama. Harrogate didn't realize that the comment would turn into such a shitstorm so quickly, when he celebrated it BEFORE it became a shitstorm.

Shitstorm. Hmmmm. Another common, and really great, metaphor.

Now, Readers, note that all the squealing about this has allowed the Obama people to straight up call out the McCain campaign as "increasingly dishonorable." That's a killer if there ever was one for John "No Issue" McCain.

solon said...

Well, worry not. On Morning Joe this morning, they discussed nothing else but this one comment.

The end times are near when Pitchfork Pat concerns himself with the sexist language of Senator Obama...

No one wins when the focus is on the culture wars.

M said...

Funny or not, the comment had nothing to do with Palin, which is what McCain's campaign is suggesting. It seems as though the McCain people want Obama to apologize for saying McCain is just like Bush. So now we expect people to apologize for telling the truth in a humorous way?

harrogate said...

Solon: Regarding the Culture War and everyone losing. To use another metaphor, that ship was sailed.

From here on out through the end of the election the culture wars will be at the dead center of it, no matter what Obama says or doesn't say.

Given that, they might as well be fighting about the lipstick line as about anything else. At least Obama got McCain to overreach with the Outrage.

solon said...

I do not know if Obama got McCain to overreact. The Culture War as an Us versus Them strategy means that there is no overreaching- McCain is protecting the "US" that Obama threatens.

This is just another attack on a Good Christian Woman. Her audience "knows" this. Morning Joe discussed it for over an hour and the Conservatives (Joe and Pat) did nothing but push it... And there are complaints that MSNBC is bias against conservatives...

And so it goes...

harrogate said...

Harrogate is only expressing hope that Independents will see McCain as overreacting. Hoping, that is, that there are still a significant pool of voters out there who are unimpressed, maybe even disgusted, with the effort to turn this election on Culture Wars.

If we are to believe the data at all, voter registration numbers continue to shatter records with each passing week. What does it mean?

M said...

Getting voters registered is much different than getting them out to vote.

harrogate said...

Yes. Yes it is, m.