Saturday, March 01, 2008

I like to play games....

As long as we are playing the delusional trick....

Open Left has a very insightful post on the correct metaphor for the Democratic campaign. It appears that we should understand Senator Clinton's Campaign from the perspective of the Black Knight. Between the Super Tuesday contests and the Pennsylvania Contest, the Clinton Campaign may have a record of 2 - 13 or 3 - 12, which puts you in position to draft first and not win the Super Bowl. It certainly will not allow the campaign enough delegates to catch Senator Obama. Consequently, with a 2 - 13 or 3 - 12 record, Senator Clinton will be unable to hold of the Super Delegate Defection since, as you remember, Senator Clinton needs to win Texas and Ohio comfortably, according to some of her Super Delegates, to prevent a Super Delegate Exodus.

Ahh... but it gets better. According to the Clinton Campaign, if Senator Obama does not win all four contests on 3/4 he is the candidate that has problems since it will be a sign that Democrats are having second thoughts.

To return to football speak: talk about moving the goalposts. It goes from the Super Delegates sating that Senator Clinton needs to win Texas & Ohio comfortably, to former President Clinton saying that Senator Clinton needs to win both Texas and Ohio to stay in the race, to the Clinton campaign arguing that Senator Obama needs to win all four on 3/4 to stay electable. It is good that the NFL does not move goalposts like this since the kickers would not know where to aim.

Now, how shall we speak of delusional? This is a fun game but does not help the overall goal.

And Now For Something Completely Different, for your viewing pleasure.


harrogate said...

From a Rhetorical Perspective this Post itself is indisputably high theater.

Pretense extraordinaire.

Why, not only fellow bloggers and Readers, but perhaps even the Author of this post himself could be convinced into thinking that the post is anything like a response to the post preceding it.

Because the Clinton campaign has not yet thrown in the towel, despite the extreme likelihood of their defeat.

This does not render the Swooners, the Fainters, the Rhapsodisers and--MOST SICKENING OF ALL--the Worriers for Obama's safety, any less delusional thereby.

The truth is not just that Barack Obama is a human being. it is that he is a politician, and in many, many ways an absolutely garden variety one. All tripe notwithstanding.

harrogate said...

Als there is this:

"This is a fun game but does not help the overall goal."

A fine way of looking at things if your "overall goal" begins and ends with getting Obama elected.

But, if you are a little more objective, or if you are first and foremost a cultural Critic (as opposed to being an enthusiast) interested in how our political seasons and discourses are constructed, then it is something quite a bit more than a "fun" exercise to point out that, though that should easily be the Dems' for the taking, the Party has sacrificed itself on the Altars of Personality and Identity Politics.

And when the smoke clears in November, their explanations will cite everything but that.