Sunday, February 24, 2008

Full Range of Endorsements

So, I dislike the Oscars. I saw only three or four movies (Michael Clayton, Bourne Ultimatum, Transformers, Juno) on the entire list.

But, in case you were wondering who has endorsed which candidate, I thought I would give an update. But then I found out that Wikipedia already did it for me (and the list includes: Senators, Reps, Staffers, Governors, Mayors, State and Local Officials, Newspapers, Writers, Academics, Business People, Labor Unions, Labor Leaders and Union Officials, Social and Political Activists, Political Groups, Entertainers, Athletes, Family Members of Political Figures (Yep, Charlie Rangels' Wife
), Other Individuals (there is not a group for them- they must be jackasses) and Foreign political Leaders.

Harrogate is not on Obama's list.

Here are the links:
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Hillary Clinton
Senator John McCain
Lost Nomad, Celebrity Wonk, and Sometimes Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee

And, yes, Senator Obama's site is better organized than Senator Clinton's. No Shock there.

And, and, yes, while Senators Clinton and Obama have separate entries, Senator McCain and wandering Nomad Mike Huckabee does not. That must be Wikipedia's liberal bias.

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