Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ACT III: Please, no more debates....

If this is my punishment, I promise to be good....


Senator Obama and the liberal question. He replies that independents support him. Well, that's over for the fall. No, really.

Senator Clinton and Obama on Russia: neither can pronounce the President’s name correctly. Clinton fails and Obama ducks. No one wins on this question. Why do people in Ohio care? maybe when WWIII (or is it IV or V) breaks out?

The second last question on regrets: I have many of them and most of them developed while watching this debate.

Interesting, Obama hurts himself because he showed he lacked judgment on Terry Schiavo, especially as a Professor of Constitutional Law. He then appropriates her answer from the last debate, which why would you?

Also interesting, does Hillary regret her Iraq vote? Which would really hurt her, only because she chose now to admit her vote was wrong. Kerry, Edwards recanted long ago but she held out.

Last question: to Obama, what question does Clinton need to answer to the American people. Obama, rightly, answers the question he wants to answer, praises her and then talks about his experiences. To Clinton, same question… "A Sea of Change." She also asks, who can change the country? Wrong question to ask the voters Senator Clinton, though she still gets to run on gender when she said on Meet the Press she would not.

Afterwards, Chris Matthews "attacked" Brian Williams and Tim Russert for not asking the right question.

Overall, thankfully this will be the last debate since neither candidate would be in his or her right mind to agree to another one, especially if it is done by MSNBC. After twenty debates, no one needs this form of gotcha questions.

Who ever wins the nomination should stay away from NBC in the fall. If there is a Vice Presidential Debate, let the VPs fight it out with the junior varsity network.


Anonymous said...

The President of the United States of America cannot waffle on a question which reaches the heart of equality and respect for all persons and religions. Barak Obama waffled. That is scary. It was only after being pressed that he gave in and rejected the support of a rabid anti semite. Imagine if the roles were reversed and a candidate failed to immediately reject a rabid anti muslim or racist. That candidate would be drummed out of the presidential race. MSNBC commentators barely made mention of this important window into the thinking of Mr. Obama. As Mrs. Clinton aptly said, shame on you Barak Obama.

solon said...

To denounce is to "speak out against;" to "accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful;" to "announce the termination of, as of treaties." (Onelook.com)

I guess were back to what is the definition of "is?"