Thursday, January 24, 2008

Westboro Baptist Church will Protest Heath Ledger's Memorial Service

According to MSNBC's entertainment writer Courtney Hazlett, the Westboro Baptist Church, home of the radical Christian Fred Phelps, will take time out from picketing the funeral of military servicemen and women to picket Ledger's Memorial Service. Shirley Phelps, the I mean wife of Fred, stated that they will picket the Memorial because of Heath's role in Brokeback Mountain:
“You cannot live in defiance of God. He (Ledger) got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's OK to be gay,” said Shirley Phelps in a statement sent out by the Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church.


M said...

I was actually just going to post about this. I am all for the 1st amendment and firmly believe that people have the right to express their opinions. That said, I'm also a firm believer in the idea that there is a time and a place for everything. This is clearly not the time or the place for this group to demonstrate against gay rights. I mean, come on people. Can we stop for a minute and think about his 2-year-old daughter and what she's going through? Or is that not a Christian thing to do?

Heath is Gods child too said...

To Shirley and Fred Phelps and those misguided individuals posing as Christians at the Westboro Baptist Church. Shame on you! May god have mercy on you and not condemn you to the fires of hell for all eternity..

It seems that your faith is made up of ignorance and hatred for those you choose not to understand.

The evidence at hand suggests that this church has committed little or no time to really gaining a TRUE and PRAYERFUL understanding of the bible, and interpret it in your own ignorance to commit prejudice.

You are not God and have not been afforded the right to pass judgment!

Jesus says nothing about same-sex behavior. The Jewish profits are silent about Homosexuality and only six or seven of the Bible's one million verses refer to same-sex behavior in any way -- and none of these verses refer to homosexual orientation as you choose to interpret it.

You, whom are certain you know and understand what the Bible says about homosexuality. I put it to you to find where the verses that reference same-sex behavior can be found. It is obvious you have not read them, let alone studied them carefully. I don't believe you know or comprehend the original meaning of the words in Hebrew or Greek. You have created your own interpretation of the historical context in which those words were written. This assumption that the Bible condemns homosexuality is ignorantly passed down from generation to generation with very little personal study or research.

The consequences of this misinformation are disastrous, not only for God's gay and lesbian children, but for the entire Christian faith of which, you and your ignorance can be placed accountable for.

Paul says "test all things and hold fast to that which is good"
- 1 Thessalonians 5:21 -

On the night he was betrayed, Jesus told his disciples he was going away from them for a while, but that the Father would send them a "Comforter," an "Advocate," the "Holy Spirit" who would "teach them all things."

I believe with all my heart that the Holy Spirit is still teaching us. When we reconsider the texts that are used by your church to condemn God's gay children, we must fervently seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, or we risk being misled by our own prejudices.

The Bible is a book about God -- not a book about human sexuality.

The Bible is the story of God's love for the world and the people of the world. It tells the history of God's love at work rescuing, renewing, and empowering humankind. It was never intended to be a book about human sexuality.

Certainly, you will agree.

In fact, the Bible accepts sexual practices that we condemn and condemns sexual practices that we accept. Lots of them! Here are a few examples.

* DEUTERONOMY 22:13-21
If it is discovered that a bride is not a virgin, the Bible demands that she be executed by stoning immediately.
If a married person has sex with someone else's husband or wife, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death.
* MARK 10:1-12
Divorce is strictly forbidden in both Testaments, as is remarriage of anyone who has been divorced.
The Bible forbids a married couple from having sexual intercourse during a woman's period. If they disobey, both shall be executed.
* MARK 12:18-27
If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir.
* DEUTERONOMY 25:11-12
If a man gets into a fight with another man and his wife seeks to rescue her husband by grabbing the enemy's genitals, her hand shall be cut off and no pity shall be shown her.


I'm certain you don't agree with these teachings from the Bible about sex. And you shouldn't. The list goes on: The Bible says clearly that sex with a prostitute is acceptable for the husband but not for the wife. Polygamy (more than one wife) is acceptable, as is a king's having many concubines. (Solomon, the wisest king of all, had 1,000 concubines.) Slavery and sex with slaves, marriage of girls aged 11-13, and treatment of women as property are all accepted practices in the Scriptures. On the other hand, there are strict prohibitions against interracial marriage, birth control, discussing or even naming a sexual organ, and seeing one's parents nude.

Over the centuries the Holy Spirit has taught us that certain Bible verses should not be understood as God's law for all time periods. Some verses are specific to the culture and time they were written, and are no longer viewed as appropriate, wise, or just.

Often, the Holy Spirit uses science to teach us why those ancient words no longer apply to our modern times. During the last three decades, for example, organizations representing 1.5 million U.S. health professionals (doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and educators) have stated definitively that homosexual orientation is as natural as heterosexual orientation, that sexual orientation is determined by a combination of yet unknown pre- and post-natal influences, and that it is dangerous and inappropriate to tell a homosexual that he or she could or should attempt to change his or her sexual orientation.

I'm so tired of reading signs carried by protesters that say: "It's about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." In fact, the creation story is as important to Adam and Steve as it is Adam and Eve. Gays and non-gays alike need to know and celebrate the truth at the center of this story.

This creation story is primarily about God, a story written to show the power of God who created the world and everything in it. It teaches us that ultimately God is our Creator, that God shaped us, and that God said, "It's good." Isn't this the heart of the text?

Now what does the creation story say about homosexuality? Because the text says it is "natural" that a man and a woman come together to create a new life, some people think this means gay or lesbian couples are "unnatural." They read this interpretation into the text, even though the text is silent about all kinds of relationships that don't lead to having children:

* couples who are unable to have children
* couples who are too old to have children
* Anti-gay protest couples who choose not to have children
* people who are single

Are these relationships (or lack of relationships) "unnatural"? There's nothing said here that condemns or approves the love that people of the same sex have for each other.

I know this will have little or know consequence on your desire to ruin the sanctity of Heath's funeral and the mourning process for his many loved ones. But when you are NOT standing at the pearly gates on judgment day...think back to what you did on the sacred day of one of gods children. I don't believe this is motivated by gods word. I believe you are only motivated by your own vanity and desire for fame and recognition otherwise you would be picketing at all gay funerals. Wake up! Your ignorance is embarrassing.

God bless the souls you were once blessed with as you have let the devil possess your church and have lost your right to call yourself a Christian.

proud vet said...

Come to my town (Orlando) and protest the funeral of a fallen soldier and I will visit down on you and yours what true justified retribution is. As a life long Southern Baptist you do not speak for me.

mfire said...

Proud Vet - Thank you for your service. Thank God for you.

I've heard about this cult... um... church before. I agree, they are a disgusting display.

One way to curb them is requesting the Patriot Guard Riders or some other group(s) to attend the funeral services. Whatever group is selected can shield the mourners from the protestors by standing in line with American(and Australian)flags at the edge of the property. The protestors won't be able to get as close to the funeral as they could if there wasn't such a barrier so they won't be able to interfere and will more than likely be ignored.

Unknown said...

I will worship anyone...God, Satan, Zeus, Kali, Susano o-no-mikoto, Odin, Thor, Ganesha, Shiva, Ares, Fu-Hsing, Pazuzu, Vecna the Lich Lord, Lolth: the Demon Queen of Spiders, Iuz the Old...WHOEVER...just as long as they get rid of the Westboro Baptist Church. If any god reads this and does get rid of them, send me a postcard or sign or vision so I know who to thank.