Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Political Humpty Dance? Following Reagan, Anticipating Obama: One of the 80s Boldest Rhetorical Claims

When a man says, "stop what you're doin', cause I'm about to ruin the image and the style that you're used to," he's talking a lot of shit and if he can back it up, deserves to be taken seriously. As Mark Wahlberg once pointed out in a different context.

That Reagan backed up such Epic Shit-Talking, that he was indeed "Transformational," cannot be denied. Harrogate deeply wishes the Clintons had not embarrassed themselves by pretending not to understand Obama's point on this matter, for Obama clearly was not saying Reagan transformed the political landscape to the good.

And that he is capable of achieving a similarly transformational feat--only this time, to the good of the country. Whether or not Obama's large assertion is true, however, is a different question, one that each person must wrestle with as the primary rolls towards Tsunami Tuesday on February 5th.

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