Sunday, January 20, 2008

Feminism, Redefined

Solon and I are watching Meet the Press and I'm disturbed by something conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan just argued. She claims--I'll see about linking to a transcript when MTP's web site posts one--that Hillary is being anti-feminist by playing good cop/bad cop with Bill. Don't even think about a comparison between JFK and RFK, who did the same thing. This is a man/woman thing and it's clear that Hillary is just sending her husband out to defend her. Seriously? So if no man can speak for Hillary, should her entire campaign staff consist of women? Talk about insane identity politics.

Why are so many on the right (not all, of course, but more than I'm comfortable with and more than one would find on the left) in no way beholden to an actual definition of feminism that feminists would themselves maintain. It just makes these cheap arguments so easy.

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