Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shall We Continue Down This Road?

When the Mormon said he couldn't imagine Bill Clinton back in the White House with nothing to do, it got heavy applause from the GOP audience and Chris Matthew made sure it ran again and again on that bastion of liberalism, MSNBC.

All this talk, both from the GOP and increasingly from those supporting Obama, about Bill Clinton's Presidency and its failures, about Bill Clinton "coming unhinged" or "injecting race into the primary discourse," the open willingness to invoke Clinton's affair as though it matters in the wake of all this death, in the wake of Wolfowitz running the World Bank and the American Economy falling ever more squarely into the grip of an elite cadre of individual interests, in the wake of FEMA. The nepotism, the abject incompetence, the deliberate immolation of government institutions from the inside: the fact, O Readers, that "American torture" is now a term in the common lexicon. None of where we are is Bush specific. It is the GOP platform at work.

If one is okay with the things Harrogate has listed (only a tiny sampling from the GOP fare, Harrogate might add), then Harrogate could see why one wouldn't think it important for GOP rule to end.

Shall we continue down this road is the key question that the 2008 Presidential election ought to revolve around.

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