Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Was John McCain "Born to Run"?: New Jersey Spells More Bad News for Obama

Unfortunateness abounds.

No longer dreaming of Virginia and Colorado. Beginning to worry substantively about New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania. Are even Oregon and Washington in play?

What is happening to this country?


solon said...

Don't be fooled, New Jersey is a tease. Polling over the weekend during, especially on a beautiful Sunday in the Northeast, will not provide representative results.

It's the economy, stupid.

harrogate said...

"Don't be fooled, New Jersey is a tease."

That, friend, is downright Shakesperean. Where style meets content. Worthy of Benedict's mouth, or even Rosencrantz.....

But we digress. As Harrogate spoke on the phone last, he will remain optimistic about the election until it is over. There will be plenty of time to be pissed, if pissed we wind up needing to be......