Today's Assy McGee@ Award goes to Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a former Clinton supporter and fundraiser who recently endorsed John McCain on anti-elitism grounds:
"This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”
Translation: While I may not like Senator Obama, this is about class. And since my name is "de Rothschild" and not "Rothschild" or even "Roth," McCain gets my vote. And, well, McCain will not tax me as much as Obama will.
In visual form, here is the tax breakdown for "de Rothchild." This is not about elitism, is Lynn. Where are you on this chart?

Such disgustingness.
Is't true? Are we really going down the who do you want to drink a beer with road? Really? Once again is this argument going to work as a stalking horse to keep the top 5% from going back to sanity-level taxation?
(But if we're going to go down that road. The who would you most like to drink a beer with road. Isn't it obvious to everyone that Vince Vaughn and Seth Rogan should be sworn in next January, anyway?)
Your translation is spot on, Solon. The Roths are, indeed, of a different class than the de Rothschilds. But if you watch the linked interview, you will see that the Roths also keep company with the McCain-Palin crowd, particularly the latter: "[Our class] is a combination of religion and hockey."
An aside: notice the difference between how a stuffy, white-collared, elitist banker (presumably a de Rothschild) handles a guitar and how a Roth handles one.
I'm saying it now; America is stupid.
When asked "who should lead the country?" they hear "who would be fun to drink with?"
And then they pick (twice) a recovered alcoholic who won't drink with you, can't tell a coherent story to save his life, and laughs at his own jokes.
Now, their answer is:
inconsistent elderly Vietnam vet and a hockey mom who lies poorly to make herself look big.
That sounds awful. That's "drinking at Bennigans before the lunch rush." That's "drinking in the glass-walled smoker's lounge/aquarium at the airport with the worst people ever." There is nothing I want less than to get stuck drinking with some strangers grampa and mom.
I want to drink with Samuel Clemens, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Thomas Jefferson, or Lauren Bacall.
You know what? If Harrogate may be so bold. What wouldn't be fun about throwing down a cold one with John Kerry? He's had an amazing life and spent time with gobs of fascinating people. Harrogate bets Kerry's stories would actually be compelling and unlike W, he's probably invite good debate and even strong criticism if the subject turned to politics.
Guess it's just all about what you want out of your drinking buddies.
Here's a question for you. Who do you think Samuel Clemens would have most wanted to have a beer or eight with: McCain, Palin, Obama, or Biden.
Please state your answer in the form of a thesis statement and back up your claim with evidence....
I had a whole series of quotes prepared in response, humorously showing the long-dead Clemens's poor outlook on all candidates, but the poor Republicans most of all.
Lines like this: "The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them."
hyuck hyuck.
But I rediscovered this beauty that says all I ever want to say:
"You cain't pray a lie."
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