Today is an international holiday, though you will probably not read or see too much about it today.
May Day,or International Workers Day, celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labor movement, such as the 8 hour work day.
For some reason, I just can't explain why, it is not a major holiday in the US and it gets more respect in Europe. Usually, there are marches in major cities, such as NYC, New Haven, and Portland.
Yeah it is really unfortunate that there is no major events surrounding May Day--I guess we make up for on Labor Day?
I'm not necessarily surprised though considering how anti-union and anti-socialist the businesses are particularly those down south.
Apparently, I need a grammar lesson this morning-"there is" and "up for on."
Yes, Mr. Weight, we certainly do make up for it on Labor Day, especially at our university, where all laborers are expected to show up to work as they would any other day of the year.
When Megs and I went to Jamaica, we were there for the Jamaican Labor Day. To say it was different was an understatement.
In the morning, almost everyone in the communities got together to provide services to the common needs for the town, such as repairing the schools and churches. Then, once all the work was done, the members of the community through a huge party on the beach to celebrate their work and community.
At a certain, large, mid-western university, the university held classes for about half of the students who would show up. The other half were drunk somewhere. It was like any other day.
One professor, who normally walked around campus and smoked a pipe, held class and bitched out the school since it didn't respect labor.
"One professor, who normally walked around campus and smoked a pipe, held class and bitched out the school since it didn't respect labor."
I think I remember this, Solon.
I have to reiterate the complete amazement with which Solon and I reacted to Jamaican Labor Day. (Granted, it was our honeymoon and the mango daiquiris were flowing, so everything was pretty amazing.) On our first day there, we heard the huge beach party going on. We talked to one of the local guys and he explained that it's a really huge day across the country and, specifically, within each local community. Really inspiring, the idea of a community actually giving a shit about the larger good all day... and then getting shitty together all night!
I didn't realize. how appropriate that I labored and delivered a baby on may 1st.
yes, i know...not that kind of labor.
Um, I definitely think that kind of labor counts. I mean, the whole community wasn't invited (at least I'm assuming they weren't), but you certainly made a bigger contribution than cleaning some windows!
Happy birthday to your little one, too!
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