Monday, April 28, 2008

Mixing News and Fashion

Can any explain the rationality behind CNN Shirts?

According to CNN, you can order T-Shirts with CNN headlines.

My favorite so far is: "Smuggled Workers Turned into Slaves." A close second: "Barracks aswim in feces, ickiness."

Now that is fashion...


M said...

Why would you want to wear a shirt with either of these headlines???

Anonymous said...

Okay, here are my top two:

"Alleged Jimi Hendrix sex tape to be released"


"Expired food sold at low, low prices"

Anonymous said...

Oo, oo, and here's another good one:

"Study shows bananas make baby boys"

And here I thought it was penises (or at least a wish for a penis). Or, by bananas, are we just talking euphemisms here?