Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Corn Politics

So as we all know our government has made GREAT policies in our increasing efforts to save our planet. Of the bone-headed ideas has been the increased production of bio-fuels--particularly corn-based ethanol--to reduce our dependency on that "evil foreign oil." Curiously these efforts have an unusual effect on the economy: the price of products connected to the corn industry have sky rocketed because corn farmers are now selling their corn bushels to ethanol planets for $5.50 or more --this includes eggs, beef, pork, poultry, salad dressings, pet food, you name it. Moreover, the production of corn ethanol and other forms of agriculturally produced bio-fuels actually causes more damage to the environment due to the increased carbon emissions that are the result of production and manufacturing processes . Although it is nice to see farmers finally make a buck for their hard work, the catch is that commodities increase, famine begins (not in our country but in others throughout the world dependent on our corn exports), and the pressures on the environment increase. Thus, nothing good comes of this: so why the hell are both parties' presidential candidates (I cannot speak for Obama) continuing to fund such ridiculous fuel efforts? I guess we can just take Bush's lead and start drilling oil in Alaska instead of making the automakers and oil companies finally realize that they need to make changes: GM has recorded another quarterly lose with its love for the Suburban and Exxon-Mobil is in the middle of a governing shakeup--the Exxon issue was brought about by the Rockefellers, who founded the company because the company has been paying scientist to create false counter arguments that there is not such thing as environmental damage nor have they explored other fuel alternative energy sources, which will eventually kill the company.

Well must go educate the masses but just had to stand on my soapbox a second and vent!


Oxymoron said...

And because farmers now get subsidies from the government to grow corn, many farmers have stopped growing wheat, which has created a bit of a flour shortage. Now the price of pasta is on the rise.

paperweight said...

I know, its crazy.

harrogate said...

Heh. You said "on the rise."

Anonymous said...

See, here I was about to post a thoughtful comment on ethanol. But now Harrogate re-said "on the rise" and it just seems wrong to talk about stalks of corn.