Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Eyes of Texas are upon you..

Good morning Texas. Happy Voting Day!!! Here are a few quick hits:

Senator Clinton appeared on The Daily Show last night and did well. She pushed the big state argument, noted that primaries normally continue into June, and state we should let the people vote. She also stated she would like a bi-partisan cabinet and called for unity. Hmmmmm.

Also, Senator Clinton learns the language of empowerment, finally. Her new slogan in Ohio, "Who would you hire?" which plays to her experience and her economic message. She also shows she can hear the people. While I don't agree with mixing business metaphors with politics-- I also hate it in education and cringe when students say they are consumers-- at least Senator Clinton learned to focus on the moment and displayed that she may be able to develop a movement.

At Slate, Christopher Hitchens laments the decline of our political language.

According to TNR: The key numbers for tonight-213 and 52. 213 is the number of delegates Senator Clinton needs tonight and 52 is the delegate advantage that she needs to win to catch up. According to The New Republic, Senator Clinton needs to win over 57% of the delegates in every contest to catch up.

Enjoy the day!!!

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