Friday, October 10, 2008

Tribute to the Awesomeness of Last Weekend

As faithful Readers know, last weekend Harrogate and the Lovely Supadiscomama had the pleasure of hosting Solon, whilst he completed his transition to becoming Dr. Solon.

It was a real shot in the arm for many of us down here. Get togethers and fun were experienced by many last weekend, drinks were consumed, pool was played, and then there was that really strange dude that decided to join our table at the bar and carry on as though he'd known us all along. And of course, it was made all the better by the appearance of none other than the great Oxymoron.

Verily, there was a moment last weekend when Solon, Oxymoron, Supadiscomama, Harrogate, and Best Buddy/Supadiscobaby happily watched the following classic movie scene together.

The quality of the clip aint the best. But the memory. That's forever. "Oh yes, it's a wonderful song. I think you're familiar with it"


Oxymoron said...

So unrealistic--there are no zebras at the Central Park Zoo.

supadiscomama said...

Seriously, that constitutes animal cruelty. They have no space! I mean, this creature's only access to exercise is on a treadmill. Appalling.

solon said...

As I said, time and time again, this is just a movie, a work of fiction, for the enjoyment of those who watch.

Does it matter if there is no Zebra at the Central Park Zoo? Does it matter if the fictitious animals exercise on treadmills rather than roam freely...

No, I say it does not...

harrogate said...

Solon and Supa. Where your arguments converge is in the actual Argument being put forth by the movie.

The Movie, ye will remember, opened with the argument that Marty the Zebra was overly confined at the Central Park Zoo. Verily, he craved--NAY--needed his freedom.

And so it was revealed, in the end, did Alex the Lion need to taste his Freedom. That, and to taste Fish, which it is far more moral to devour than Mammalian flesh.

But then the Movie bizarrely enfolded on itself. Because in the end, Friends, Marty realized that as long as he had Alex, Gloria, and Melhman with him, he could he happy anywhere.

To quote Ben Stiller in Another Context: "Ipso Facto," this means that the real lesson Marty needed to learn is, the Treadmill was indeed always enough.

It isn't whether you are free. None of us are free in the literal or even the figurative sense. It is instead who you are trapped with that makes all the difference....

That's right.

M said...

Verging away from an analysis of "Madagascar," I propose that we start planning a group vacation right now. Jamaica, anyone?

solon said...

And, for the record, last weekend, the world was a better place.

I thank everyone who made it a better place....

p-duck said...

Thank you Dr. Solon : )