Friday, October 10, 2008

About The Last South Park Episode; and A Tip of the Hat to Andrew Sullivan

Gotta hand it to Sully on this, he boiled down very nicely the value of Wednesday's ridiculously out there South Park episode. "How out there was it," do you ask? It was sooooo out there, that Cartman and Butters' heroic, exquisitely vulgar, and ultimately penis-damaging efforts to stop China from conquering the United States was relegated to subplot status.

The Primary Plot of the episode, as signified by the above image (which Sully also has on his Post), involved our collective efforts to deny the fact that with their last installment of the Indiana Jones franchise, Spielburg and Lucas metaphorically Raped Indy, and though everyone sensed this when they saw the movie, we proved too cowardly to resist going on about our business, as though nothing had ever happened.

Verily. Butters' confused response to the whole spectacle at the end, "I thought the movie was pretty good," just doesn't cut it.

As Sullivan writes:
I was in denial about "The Crystal Skull" until that episode. Now I understand. I can't keep the flashbacks from coming into my head. And it's rough. It creeps up on you.

So thank you Matt and Trey, for forcing us to come eyeball to eyeball with a truth that we had been avoiding for months. Harrogate takes back every lame compliment he gave to the final Indiana Jones installment.


Oxymoron said...

I did not see the episode. It looks like Lucas might be saying (or at least thinking), "You've had your turn Steven; now it's mine."

The Roof Almighty said...

I just look at Indy's half-unbuttoned shirt and wonder if he was asking for it.

You don't make a movie like Air Force One without being a little bit of a whore already.