Friday, October 10, 2008

Cover Girl

It goes without saying that no one on this blog will be scandalized by W's November cover with Angelina Jolie breastfeeding. But I got a sneak preview of the shot and it's so beautiful that I wanted to share:


supadiscomama said...

I'm glad to finally see the cover after all of the headlines about Angelina "apparently" breastfeeding in the picture. It really is a beautiful photo. I was lamenting to P-Duck just yesterday (after discussing this very photo) that I don't have many pictures of me nursing Supa-T--and the ones that I do have aren't particularly good.

But this photo of Angelina Jolie is very beautiful (of course, what photo of her isn't?). I love the little hand peeking up there :)

I'm irritated, though, by all of the hoopla surrounding it. I mean, really, haven't we all already seen her boobs at least once? I suppose the scandal, though, is that this photo shows that her breasts have a value beyond decoration.

If this really is one of Brad's "private photos," I hope that she had a little bit of warning before he took it. Otherwise, it means that she looks that amazing all the time--even, it seems, when she's chilling in her jammies and nursing twin babies. Of course, we all know that that's exactly how it is. Dammit :)

harrogate said...

As had been said, this is really a beautiful picture of her. Well done, Mr. Pitt.

It strikes Harrogate that this picture is more about Pitt trying to capture something about his wife than it is about her breastfeeding.

On a related note. It is interesting, and somewhat sad, how far fewer pictures we all take of our spouses, either with us or by themselves, once the children come along.

M said...

Unfortunately, Supa, I think part of the hype is that she is breastfeeding. Call me a cynic, but I predict that "W" magazine will get a lot of letters about how it is inappropriate to put such a photograph on the cover.

supadiscomama said...

I know that the hype is over the breastfeeding--hence the "apparent" public disappointment in discovering that Angelina has "working boobs" (I must give credit to Debra on Everybody Loves Raymond for that one).