Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My Hero, Robert Gibbs

After the debate last night, Robert Gibbs appeared on Hannity and Combs. During the appearance, Hannity and Gibbs discussed the William Ayers relationship.

In this clip, Gibbs attacked Hannity for a recent show on Hannity's America that attacked Obama and his "radical connections" and turns the tables on Hannity's guilt by association tactics. While Hannity attacked Obama's judgment because he sat on a board with Ayers, Gibbs argues that if this guilt by association tactic is correct then Hannity is anti-Semitic since Hannity allowed an anti-Semite on Hannity's America.

Besides hijacking Hannity and Combs and brining rationality to it, Gibbs takes Hannity's position to its logical conclusion, weakening Hannity's ethos and limiting his ability to make arguments.

I wonder why Hannity let Gibbs speak?


harrogate said...

"I wonder why Hannity let Gibbs speak?"

The answer to this question seems to be that Hannity seems confident that he successfully denies the connection Gibbs makes, what you identify as the "logical conclusion" of Guilt by Association arguments:

"But I'm a pundit [he actually said 'journalist', which is extra sickening, but whatevs] and I let all kinds of people that I disagree with on my programs."

Of course, now that this video is making the rounds, it aint just FOX viewers who get to decide whether to buy Hannity's spin.

The Roof Almighty said...

By this reasoning of guilt-by-association, every guest on O'Reilly's show is a sexual offender-by association. Including Jeremy Glick. Now, at last, we can understand why O'Reilly attacked Glick so ferociously. Fucking pervert. I can't believe your father died so that you could threaten to falafel a woman-by-association.

My question is: what journalist did Hannity sit next to that he thinks he deserves the (elitist) title now?

And are we only imagining McCain and Palin to appear presidential because they are shown standing next to real candidates?

Where will this madness end? Why could we not have been born with individual identities which weren't subsumed by standing near someone else who is louder than we? Why were we all born into Colmes' life?

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