Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So tell me about yourself...

I just saw this commercial for the first time in like six months. I almost forgot about it. It must be posted here this evening, if only to keep it fresh in our minds for another week.

1 comment:

harrogate said...

That is so wonderful and has topical relevance of which ye may not be aware, oxy.

For lo. Round about a week and a half ago, inspired by an intellectual find and rushing to academama's office to share the info, Harrogate spilled coffee all over his spiffy white shirt, and then had to go teach in that condition.

You know what is coming now. Yes. Even after Harrogate had begun class by inviting everyone to laugh at his ragamuffin condition, ten minutes into our discussion about Life, the Universe and Everything, a student raised her hand and said she was sorry, but all she could think about was "that commercial where the stain talks over the guy wearing it."
