Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Still Really Hate Her.

But I LOVE Amy Poehler :)


The Roof Almighty said...

Now, see. That is a respectable working mother!

Poehler, I mean.

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts:

1) Maybe it is a reference to the Palin photo controversy, but Alec Baldwins's comment, "you're hotter in person" seems dismissive toward Palin in the the only thing you have is looks sort of way.

2) It irks me that she brazenly stated "I am still not going to take your questions." She still possesses the "I am not accountable to you" ethos, which reflects her lack of judgment.

3) Ironically, the meeting between Fey and Palin attempts to fulfill the authentic- inauthentic division, whereby Palin is authentic and Fey is not. This correlates to the Pro-America or Real-America comments by Palin while campaigning, which Fey as Palin mocks.

Of course, Palin is about as inauthentic as a politician could be as she lacks the basic competence necessary. And, of course, it is a little ironic that Fey's Palin provided the real Palin more political and social depth than the real Palin could provide herself.

Anonymous said...

After watching the second clip, I fail to understand why Palin appeared on SNL.

She did not contribute to the show. Instead she reinforced the negative views of her: contempt for the press and non-small town people. She lacks substance but is attractive.

Oh well.

supadiscomama said...

Amen, Megs. All of your points are on target.

I'd like to suggest that, if Hillary Clinton had been the guest, and Alec Baldwin had commented on how "hot" she is versus her impersonator, I doubt that she would have simply thanked him. She probably would have pointed out the very problem that you note in #1.

I was saying to Harrogate this a.m. that it's pretty horrifying that Palin bops along and laughs at Amy Poehler's rap. The lyrics are very damning, even as the presentation is funny.

"When I say Obama, you say Ayers..." And Palin fucking says "Ayers."

She's horrible. A horrible person.

solon said...

Here is an email sent to The Corner at The National Review.

It states:
"I watched Governor Palin on SNL last night. Though I was uncomfortable with all the slams against her as she stood and sat there during the skits, I came away with even more admiration for her. She can stand with those that are vehemently opposed to her, yet show grace, humor and strength. That is exactly the kind of strength, poise and conviction of values that we desperately need in the highest office of our land."

Our leaders can be stupid. But so long as they are strong that is all that matters.

Anyone see W.?

supadiscomama said...

Right. She gracefully and proudly sits there while the most disgusting aspects of her character and the campaign are listed in a silly rap song. She's truly a woman to be admired.

The Roof Almighty said...

I for one was hoping Baldwin would call her a "rude little pig."