Friday, October 24, 2008

The McCain-Palin Division Widens...

Politico has a story that discusses the Republican "Circular Firing Squad."Marc Ambinder reports on the McCain aids who are beginning to whisper about Palin, especially for the way in which Palin has deliberately veered away from the McCain message and strategy on Michigan, Rev. Wright, "palling around with terrorists," as well as not providing enough information during the vetting process.

This is an interesting debate between the conservative "base" and moderates, as well as the fight between the Conservative intellectuals, those that defend Palin and those that lament that Palin represents Conservatism.

But this debate ought not occur 11 days before an election. Just as Senior McCain aids should not send out their resumes before the election.

Also, Palin is denying, incoherently, the $150,000 wardrobe. Her defenders say that it could not have added up to $150,000; it is an unfair gender bias to bring this up; the clothes were for the Convention only; she has not worn the clothes and they have not left the "belly of the plane;" they are for charity; the devil made her do it.

This seems to be an easy thing to check: either the receipts add up or they do not.


harrogate said...

She dismissed the clothes question in her interview with Hannity. Which is fine with Harrogate actually.

If the RNC was saying "gonna dress her up with our love/ all over her body," for the convention, as a marketing tactic, then, well, is anyone surprised?

For Harrogate it is not a question of money wasted. After all, a popular alternative would be to spend the "hard money" on GOP advertising, and it don't get more wasteful than that.

It is rather a question of gendered aesthetics. The need to go all out on her looks with top line clothes. It might cost more, but how different is it from the designer suits worn by men? Maybe not so different except for the cold truth that people are going to care an awful lot more about how she looks than they do about how the men look.

But anyway. This comment by Harrogate may well go down as nothing more than a waste of bandwidth. Aint the first time, won't be the last.

But one thing springs from it. It reminds Harrogate that now is time for a post about Madonna's song now counts as Political Music.

Ye have been warned.

M said...

I agree, wholeheartedly, Harrogate. Yes, as Solon reminded me yesterday (oh, and Solon, I don't retain every post or conversation or political article in my head the way you do, my friend, so thanks for the reminder), we have talked about the cost of McCain and Obama's wardrobe, but we haven't hashed it out to this extent. Something tells me that if we examine the receipts from both campaigns, we'll discover that each shilled out a lot of cash to clothe their candidates. But why are we focusing on this? I get the whole idea that spending this much money contradicts her persona as a "hockey mom," but frankly, so what? If she dressed as a "hockey mom" (which raises the question, what is a hockey mom and what does a hockey mom wear?), we'd be criticizing her for not dressing appropriately for her position.

solon said...

This is just another instance where Palin fails to recognize any sense of decorum. She lacks the judgment in her speeches, politics, and fashion. Further, she can't even tell a straight story about it.

If it is "packed" in the Belly, return it. If the purchase were limited to the convention only, why would it be packed away unworn? If the concern is that she is frugal, she can still be frugal and accept gifts.

She cannot even be honest about the clothes. This is well beyond ethos.