A regional spokesman for the McCain campaign accidentally sent a "talking points" memo to member of the media. The internal email addresses the suspension of McCain's campaign. This is, of course, a political move--and the memo makes this clear.
The recipients were asked not to be proactive in discussing the issue with the media. When said spokesman realized that he had sent this document to the press, he purportedly responded, "Fuck!"

Fuck, indeed.
I just saw this. This was my next post.
I have almost nothing left to say on McCain and this election. It is beyond absurd.
If McCain survives this, if Palin survives her Couric interview, if the public still accepts these politicians, I am not sure Obama will win in November.
Solon, usually Harrogate would be right there with you in making this an indictment of the public. Indeed, the election will be just that in November.
But. Right now, seems like the American People are just. Stunned.
We don't understand what has happened. It is not so comfortable for people as debating, say, the Iraq War or abortion.
So it is no surprise that people would be slow to evaluate McCain's most recent actions.
It might be the fair thing to do, to just give the Americans People a bit of time, here, before despairing that McCain and Palin are going to get away with the most inane Presidential victory in modern times.
Here is one thing that makes me feel better: I no longer have to threaten to move to Canada if these people win in November. I already live here.
IS your university hiring?
Not in your area, Solon, unfortunately.
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