Thursday, February 07, 2008

"Sleep, Papa, Sleep: I'll Avenge You": Good Riddance to Romney, Big Love Style

Ahh yes. To quote solon, who first wrote those magic words, "Romney is pissed"

Among bloggers there is a great wailing and gnashing of teeth. Harrogate understands. It's hard for them. Now they bear the weight of supporting arch-liberal John McCain.

So this song goes out not just to Mitt Romney, but all Townhallers whose dreams of continuing a pro-torture Presidency have now been irrevocably smashed. Yea, to the Townhallers who understand, even if the rest of us do not, that every time two men kiss, a heterosexual marriage ends in divorce.

Verily, Harrogate dedicates this song to the Townhallers, who cannot for the life of them understand why Americans won't try something different and give a chance to a Teflon, Pampered CEO President who also panders to social conservatives. And this song especially goes out to Hugh Hewitt, who would have been Romney's Chief Liar (errr.... Press Secretary).

Finally, consider this. Romney has five sons. Tonight, which one will be Alby, standing over his bed, bug-eyed, thoughts of Mike Huckabee swirling in his diseased and pampered brain, all while intoning "sleep Papa, sleep, I'll avenge you"?

UPDATE: Hewitt now has an official statement on the Townhall Blog, which you can go to through Harrogate's above-provided link. When you go there, allow youself to gloat that Romney's head-pimp, who very recently entertained dreams of lying to reporters and calling it service to his country, has been put in this position. After indulging this pleasure, become Rhetorically serious, and note how Hugh implicitly blames anti-Mormon bigotry as the primary cause of what has gone down. Hewitt hails the College Station speech as a beaon for religious liberty, too. What a joke these people collectively are.

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