Extra extra read all about it. Mary Cheney is pregnant. Depicted above with Heather Poe, her partner of 15 years, at the Rethuglican National Convention in 2004. Hmmmm. Must be strange to work for a Party that consistently exploits anti-gay bigotry while at the same time planning to welcome a new grandchild into the world, eh Dick? Maybe ye should buy the child a teddy bear that says "Adam and Eve Not Mary and Heather"?
Remember, Dick, you are what you pander to and shill for, no matter how much you love your own family.
And then Mary and Heather: Harrogate's bemused condolences follow ye everywhere. It must suck to be crazy enough to show up at Conventions where near-everyone in the room wishes to criminalize your life. But then, smooth family time is more important than silly principles like self-preservation and civil rights.
And then, Tax Cuts are more important than anything.
There are quite a few disturbing thoughts with this topic. Consider, from CNN, Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America. She described the pregnancy as "unconscionable," and stated, "It's very disappointing that a celebrity couple like this would deliberately bring into the world a child that will never have a father. They are encouraging people who don't have the advantages they have."
What does this mean for families where there is only one parent?
A spokesman for Focus on the Family, Carrie Gordon Earll, stated: "Just because you can conceive a child outside a one-woman, one-man marriage doesn't mean it's a good idea. Love can't replace a mother and a father."
I am not sure what the last part means. If you have a mother and father, that is better than being in a family that loves another. This is a great message of compassion.
Hat tip Solon.
Harrogate did a little surfing for Crouse, whose "arguments" he's been painfully reading for several months now: and voila, here's the green blooded demagogue at her green-blooded worst, excoriating Cheney and Poe for their terrible decision to have, and love a child.
This is terrible, terrible stuff. And the worst part is Cheney and Poe will likely pretty much just take this and all subsequent Right Wing abuses throughout the pregnancy, all out of loyalty to the twisted Rethug Machine at which they kneel.
Blech. Harrogate just threw up a little in his mouth.
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