But oh, the Love Actually soundtrack does not "actually" contain "Bye Bye Baby," even though every fan of the movie can immediately tell you the exact moment this song appears in the movie. The funeral scene is simultaneously one of the Saddest and most Joyful that this blogger can recall from his movie watching experience: more, it is really a Rhetorical Centerpiece of the movie, really setting up the wonderful relationship between the Stepfather and the love-sick Boy.
Why in God's name would the soundtrack people leave such a thing off of their final product? It pisses Harrogate off, it really does.
Harrogate has always thought it crass for Soundtracks to be incomplete. Despite its indisputable greatness, for example, the Forrest Gump soundtrack omits several songs, including "Freebird." This is annoying because the classic heartpounding "Freebird" guitar solo totally makes that scene where Jenny is standing in heels on the ledge of a high rise, all drugged up, thinking about jumping. So why leave the song out? Did they, while drinking tea in an English Bistro, stick their pinkies out from the cup and say "oh, there are just so many great songs, nobody will miss it"? or, "We could afford the rights to every song except this one"? What exactly contributes to an important song getting left off of a soundtrack?
About three months ago Harrogate and Mrs. Harrogate enjoyed a VHI "Movies That Rock" presentation of The Wedding Singer (and that movie really does rock, by the by). As soon as the movie was over, Harrogate excitedly delved into his and Mrs. Harrogate's expansive music collection, as he was just absolutely positive that he would find The Wedding Singer among their gems. And lo, there it was! There was only one thing left to do: Find "Love Stinks" featuring the incomparable Adam Sandler, and then crank that shit on the upside.
But wait! "Love Stinks" is not on the Wedding Singer soundtrack. Following which stunning apprehension, the only option for poor Harrogate was to have a stiff glass of Scotch on the rocks and listen to some of the other great songs on that CD. Sigh. You can't win em all.
These are a few of Harrogate's Soundtrack Disappointment stories. There are others. What are some of yours?
Bay City Rollers Bye Bye Baby

The Bay City Rollers' Lead Singer kinda looks like Tofer Grace.
"Sweet Emotion" is not on the Dazed and Confused soundtrack even though that song sets the mood for the whole movie in the opening scene.
Yes. Great. Now Harrogate's all pissed off all over again. Why don't they just cancel Christmas while they're at it?
But let Harrogate ask you this, since he can't quite bring himself to checking on Amazon for fear of encountering the unthinkable: Is the Zeppelin Song on that Soundtrack?
The song that accompanies what is arguably the best scene in Ocean's Twelve--in which the Night Fox dances past the laser security system in the museum--is also absent from the film's soundtrack. Dammit!
Yet another travesty of justice, that. What's worse about that one is, since the Soundtrack is all music no lyrics, as a listener it's extra hard to pinpoint which songs go with which scenes.
So it's possible to think the Night Fox song is there even though it isn't. How insidious.
No Zeppelin.
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