Thursday, December 07, 2006

The End of YouTube as we know it (I Feel FIne)

For me at least, for now...

I reached the conclusion that using youtube as a proxy for a real arguemnt or discussion seems disingenuous.

However, I leave you with the Facts of Life. Think of it as the Pete's Couch of an earlier generation or, "I don't know that group. Are they punk rock?" which seems grammatically incorrect. Maybe too much of the...

I love the ignorance and the righteous indignation.

1 comment:

harrogate said...

Harrogate posted this clip before, if you recall. Careful not to steal Harrogate's Thunder like Hollywood has done so many times before.

Harrogate for example had the Idea for _Bad Santa_ well before the Billy Bob movie, Title And All. To this day Harrogate believes someone pipelined his idea to those Hollywood grubbers.

Anyway, to "your" post: That Mrs. Garrett she's such a Ms. Manners Shill. Hard to take her seriously even though underneath it all she's got her decencies.

But then the Rhetorical Situation ofentire show was Very Rethug, if you remember correctly. The "Bootstrap" narrative of Jo was the real clincher; young people watched that show and thought wow, isn't it great that Blair's economic advantages don't trump Jo's work ethic? They go the same school!not the mention the "see, black people are welcome in our world too" element.
