Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Kerry Incident and Intellectual Honesty- from a Conservative

Over at The Corner at NRO:

Yes, But [John Derbyshire]

John Kerry is awful, and anything we can do further to degrade his political prospects is worth doing. But really, I saw a clip of him making the much-deplored remark, and it was obvious that the dimwit in Iraq that he referred to was George W. Bush, not the American soldier. It was a dumb joke badly delivered, but his meaning was plain. My pleasure in watching JK squirm is just as great as any other conservative's, but something is owed to honesty. There's a lot of fake outrage going round here.
Posted at 9:46 AM


Outrage [John Derbyshire]

...from several readers — and, obviously some of my Corner colleagues — that I would dare to suggest that John Kerry was not slandering our troops.
But he wasn't. He may regard them with contempt (my personal impression is that JK regards most of the human race with contempt); he may despise them; he may think they're dumb crackers; but T-H-A-T-'-S N-O-T W-H-A-T H-E S-A-I-D.

What he said was: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Who is stuck in Iraq? Not the common soldier, who just does a tour of duty, as Kerry himself knows from (sorry to bring it up) experience. Who's stuck in Iraq? George W. Bush is stuck in Iraq. That was the point of Kerry's joke. Which he botched. No fair-minded person, watching Kerry deliver those lines, could think otherwise.

I'm not carrying any water for John Kerry. I wrote this about John Kerry, and a good deal more uncomplimentary stuff besides. I don't like John Kerry. I didn't vote for John Kerry. Truth is truth, though, even when applied to John Kerry. If you can't handle the truth, that's your problem.

Posted at 10:21 AM

1 comment:

harrogate said...

Harrogate listened to over an hour of Rush today and all he talked about the first two hours was Kerry, and promised to do more of the same for the third hour. Callers were eating it up. And, it's not just Rush, it's the entire Right blogosphere.

But ist' possible that voters would actually change their decisions because of this? Even Harrogate, who has a basement level opinion of the voting populace, and who predicetd a GOP victory next week all along, thinks that's stretching it. Just a tad.