Webb, as many of you know, is the doomed Democratic candidate for Senate in Confederate Virginia. George Allen has a Confederate Flag in his office, has made prodigious use of the word "nigger," and recently referred to a minority staff member for Webb as "mukaka"--then too we have Allen's consistent support for the GOP misadventure in Iraq, his contempt for Uhmerrikah's pooor, his enthusiasm for torture, his virtuosic performance as a gay-basher, and his impeccable record as a Mexican-hater.
Harrogate is confident that with all these striking creds in tow, Allen will win quite handily in Virginia (it's going to be a long humiliating Tuesday for those who dared to dream, and Harrogate plans to delightfully rub it those do-gooders' faces with his post-election analysis).
Anyway, as if Allen's own ersatz ethos weren't enough to get him the win in VA, that bastion of truth and justice, The Drudge Report, helped out a little by beginning what has turned into an all-out media frenzy over Jim Webb's novels, which approach such provocative subjects as rape and incest. And as everyone knows, if you represent something in Art, then you must be literally endorsing it.
So Webb's novels will be the nail in the coffin for his chances of pulling off the upset. What price art, eh?
Go, Troglodytes, go!
According to recent polls on Slate, the race is very close-- within the margin of error. So, determining victory will not be easy.
It is quite possible that Allen will lose next week. Of course, it is also quite possible that the proposed draconian amendment to Virginia's Constitution that will redefine marriage as being between one rich white male and one rich white female will make the base get out and vote for issues that realy matter in life and place the election in the hands of a man who carries a noose.
Who needs to discuss torture? Who needs to examines Jesus' position on torture. We know quite clearly, from his silence, that he did not support homosexuality. And since all biblical interpretation is clear and literally, why should we not codify it into our constitutions?
Hey, solon, sheck out the link, it's got some pretty sordid passages (the vaginally-sliced banana being a highlight) from Webb's novels.
Drudge wonders how any decent Uhmerrikahn could support a candidate who could write such stuff? Do we dare contradict the great Drudge?
On a more serious note, Harrogate will become a Dallas Cowboys fan for life if Webb wins. Though Harrogate is only a moderate NFL voyeur, he actively detests the Cowboys. That's how confident Harrogate is that Allen will win a week from tomorrow.
And, good point about Jesus's status as a gay-basher. Did you know he also hated the poor and thought Murphy Brown set a bad example?
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