Friday, October 17, 2008

"You Betcha": The Many Faces of Sarah Palin

Round about a week ago, there was flap over Newsweek's close-up cover shot of Governor Palin. FOX News Personae apparently have been squawking about this "unflattering" shot of Palin all week.

Critics have said the current affairs weekly was cruel to use the picture, which shows blemishes on the face of Mrs Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, in sharp detail, with some accusing it of acting maliciously.

Interestingly, if ye go just a little further back to Newsweek Online, ye encounter this horizontal collage of Palins.


solon said...

What I find interesting is that the commentators on Fox (and the Republican party) no longer care about a concept of realism.

Oh my, Newsweek (or whomever) is showing the world as it actually exists rather than how we want them to look.

Oh the horror!!!!

supadiscomama said...

Airbrushing the hell out of all of her photos isn't going to make Sarah Palin any less of a nut job.