Wednesday, October 15, 2008

He said tell us things you haven't yet said. . .

McCain has already failed on that mark.

Yes, that's right; I'm live-blogging the debate. Frankly, it is the only way I can make it through another one of these.


supadiscomama said...

Yeah, I left the room as soon and McCain started talking about small business-man Joe--I can't fucking stand that shit. And I can't sit through another "debate" in which they don't actually debate anything.

Moderator: Do you have a question for Senator Obama?

McCain: No--but I'm going to talk about this other thing and pretend that I actually give a shit about people in this country.


solon said...

If you are live blogging, you need to blog more...

M said...

Well, Solon, feel free to help out.