Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wherein Harrogate Sees Oxymoron's "Nice Find," and Raises Him A Few Chipmunks

Speaking of Nice Finds. Harrogate was touring around some animated film Soundtracks, and realized the sublime, divine, soothing existence of Alvin and the Chipmunks' Cover of "Bad Day."

This aint bad, O Readers. Yea and verily, 'Taint bad at all. It does what a good cover must by definition do: capture the spirit of the song, but make it thine own.


Oxymoron said...

How did I miss this movie? On the strength of this song alone, it's a must see for me.

Tip o' the hat, Harrogate.

BTW, it looks like Alvin and his gang left the 'burbs for a more urban lifestyle. When did this happen?

harrogate said...

To your first comment, yesssss!!!! Harrogate was just making his impassioned case to Supadiscomama that this movie, because of the song alone, merits the Netflix bump. Time will tell how this works out....

As for Alvin & co. being down with it. Were they not always? Especially Alvin. The ladies loved him, dudes wanted to be him. He was a skateboarder and a basketball virtuoso AND a Rock Star. And when the chips were down, Alvin, though selfish on the outside, was philanthropic to a fault.

He was also, of course, a Talking Chipmunk.

Verily, Harrogate contends that even in the Burbs, Alvin was smooth pimpin.

Anonymous said...

that was sweet.

Oxymoron said...

In retrospect, I agree that Alvin has always had an urban sensibility, even whilst displaced in the suburbs for all those years.

Thank you, Harrogate, for reminding me that the streets are as much a state of mind as they are a location.