Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jon Stewart on The New Yorker Piece

Just when Harrogate was starting to lose hope that he would see anyone on television say something about politics that makes good sense, he realized he'd forgotten about Jon Stewart.

If ye love Stewart, or have thought stuff about the New Yorker cover, this clip is definitely for ye.

This segment about the New Yorker fiasco hits on about twenty important truths about the current climate. Reminding us once again, that the truest and hardest hitting social critiques most often involve comedy.

Thanks, Jon. Harrogate needed that.


Anonymous said...

Colbert's take is equally brilliant!

harrogate said...

Harrogate hasn't seen it yet, but he has no doubt of its excellence.

Hmmmm. The more one thinks about it. The more one actually begins to suspect, with all the seriousness in the world, that the two of them may Actually represent the most cogent political analysis on television.

Anonymous said...

Colbert doesn't do a lot with it, but he points out that it's funny "because it's true." And he's just happy to finally get a New Yorker joke. Ha!

We've gotten away from our Comedy Central roots lately, and now I'm wondering why. I feel like some of the best analysis is there. You're right.

supadiscomama said...

I just have to brag to the blogosphere that Supa-T not only recognizes Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert as sources of happiness--he can also identify them both by name. He really must be a genius :)