Monday, July 14, 2008

Christina Aguilera, Patriot; Wherein Harrogate is Made That Much Stronger

For those who have been considering sitting out this coming election: your self-justification just got a lot more problematic thanks to one the great political thinkers of our era, Christina Aguilera.

Just watching this clip made Harrogate feel, as it were, that much stronger, and made him work a little bit harder, and made him that much wiser, so that he wants to thank her for making him a fighter. (The clip also, by the by, made Harrogate learn a little bit faster, made his skin a little bit thicker, and made him that much smarter.)

1 comment:

Oxymoron said...

I just use those white cotton blankets with blue stripes that the hospital sent us home with.

I hate that they don't showcase my patriotism to the world, but Mrs. Oxymoron swears that they're more comfortable for Oxybaby than a nylon flag.