Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Word on Assy McGee

Sigh. Why the hell didn't someone tell Harrogate about this cartoon? Apparently it has been a'happening since 2006.

There is no way to overstate the significance. Things need to be rethought, once we become cognizant of such a thing. Indeed, one might go so far as to say that Assy McGee changes everything.


Oxymoron said...

If you like this cartoon, check out the Titty McDoogal series. The protagonist, Titty, is an undercover agent who poses as a flight attendant in an effort to infiltrate the notorious mile-high club. Her wily ways always lead to wild adventures in the more-than-friendly skies.

harrogate said...

That's a good one.

Maybe not the same level of sociopolitical critique that informs Assy.

But, nevertheless poignant in terms of elucidating those tensions between ordered liberty and sexual freedom.

Oxymoron said...

I have to disagree with your assessment of Titty McDoogal. I think the series does confront a number of sociopolitical issues--the most obvious of which is sexism.

Consider, for example, episode #12, (Show Me Your Fuselage, Pt. 1) and #24 (That's One Tight Cabin). And who can forget the infamous unnamed episode, where Titty must overcome sexual objectification while still showcasing her stunningly bodacious physique. (I mean, we all know that Titty's low-cut blouses bring her larger tips).

That such social commentary escapes your notice, Harrogate, tells me that you, like most of the airline passengers, are incapable of seeing beyond Titty's tits.