Friday, May 09, 2008

Republicans Against Mothers

I know what you are thinking Oxymoron but this is not from the Onion. The Washington Post has an article on how republicans are against mothers and, ironically, they voted for it before they voted against it. The title of this article reads, "Republicans Vote Against Moms; No word yet on puppies, kittens."

The story? Read for yourself....


supadiscomama said...

Okay...maybe I'm dumb...*why* were they voting on recognizing mother's day when it's already a recognized holiday?

Oxymoron said...

I, myself, used to be against mothers. That is, of course, until all the liberals in the English department corrupted me.

For the most part, I do enjoy my new-found liberalism. But I must be honest that this time of year--you know, the week leading into mother's day--always leaves me a bit too full of love and thoughtfulness.

It truly makes me miss my anti-mom days.

Oxymoron said...

Oh, and for the record, I've always been pro-puppy.

M said...

And people wonder why this country is about a trillion dollars in debt? I second Supa's question: what was the purpose of this? Solon, here is one time when I really do want you to enlighten me.