Saturday, March 22, 2008

Slowly slipping into the abyss...

Wow. Duke lost. If only I could care enough to watch the tournament....

With just over four weeks to go to Senator Clinton's victory in Pennsylvania, the Obama and Clinton campaign seem to be racing towards the abyss within their speeches.

According to The New York Times, former President William "my disapproval ratings drop every day" Clinton stated in a speech:
"“it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country. And people could actually ask themselves who is right on these issues, instead of all this other stuff that always seems to intrude itself on our politics."

Golly Gee Bill, what ever could you mean? Who's unpatriotic? What do you mean by "all this other stuff?"

Of course, someone by the Obama camp cleared the record by calling Mr. Clinton "Joe McCarthy." Sigh!

But, not to be outdone, the Clinton camp retook the lead to the abyss when discussing the Bill Richardson endorsement. According to The New Republic, Clinton creep, James "Billy Bob Thorton Played be accurately in Primary Colors" Carville stated:
“An act of betrayal... Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic."

You can infer your own entailments from the Holy Week metaphor.

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