True to her magestrial form,Mommy PhD has posted an excellent disquisition on the style and substance of church signs. Harrogate went here to make the sign you are presently ogling. So get thee there, make thine own proclamations; for verily, you have as much authority to do so as the people making the "real" ones.
Update: Claymation's brilliant rejoinder reminded Harrogate that perhaps he's playing favorites with the Catholics. So, in the Spirit of Religious Multiculturalism (which only applies to different versions of Christianity of course):

What has the catholic church come to? What next? Catholics not aknowledging each other in the Liquor Store?!!
To be fair, there are large movements now of evangelicals working toward not only helping the homeless and others living in poverty but also in calling the attention of "religious right" politicians and prominant religious leaders to stop ignoring these problems--because Jesus would definitely help the poor. Some VERY prominent evangelical leaders are involved in these movements, including Rick Warren.
Now if we could just get those boys to stop kissing each other, this country could be downright Godly.
Point well taken Sarah. And, to be fair, Harrogate's sign construction is more interested in playing with, hyperbolizing sterotypical rhetoric than in actually taking a stand for something.
Though in all earnestness, we all know that stereotypes do not emerge from the ether. There is a reason everyone who looks at these two signs will immediately recognize what they are doing. That being said, Harrogate would love to see Rick Warren become a household name along the order of Robertson or Dobson, would love to see homelesnes become as frequently discussed among Ameriucan Christians as boys kissing.
But Harrogate's not holding his breath on such things. As a smoker, his breath is limited.
Sadly, the stereotypical rhetoric, which itself deals largely in hyperbole, is what gets Dobson and Robertson the air play. Warren is very famous and his books have sold extremely well in mainstream markets, not just the Christian bookstores in which Dobson is primarily successful. Everyone has heard of _The Purpose Driven Life_. But Warren doesn't spout ridiculous damnations of whole groups of people, so we're not going to see him on Fox or CNN or on the ultimate media tour de force shaping our collective cultural and political experience, The Daily Show.
Thanks for that link--that is really something.
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